Bullying and Harassment

Reporting bullying and harassment

Everyone at the University of South Wales has the right to feel safe and supported. If you experience or witness an incident of bullying or harassment, you can tell us by submitting a form via Report and Support

Dignity at Study Policy

The Dignity at Study Policy explains how the University handles complaints about harassment, bullying, unfair treatment and victimisation.

The University recognises that all staff and students should be valued and have a right to be treated with dignity and respect at work and study. All students are entitled:

  • To be treated with dignity, respect and courtesy
  • To be able to study free from unfair treatment, bullying, harassment or victimisation
  • To experience no form of discrimination
  • To be valued for their skills and abilities

The University aims to ensure that every person is treated with dignity and respect regardless of their age, gender (including gender reassignment), disability, family responsibility, marital, parental or partnership status, race, ethnic or national origin, colour, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or any other distinction. The University wishes to promote and sustain a culture where mutual trust and respect are the foundation of working relationships between all staff and students.

For further information please refer to the Dignity at Study Policy.

Dignity at Study Advisers

The University has trained members of staff to act as Dignity at Study Advisers for any students who have experienced bullying or harassment. Dignity at Study Advisers will be your main point of contact once you have reported any instance of bulling or harassment and they will listen to your concerns in a non-judgmental way.

Duties of the Dignity at Study Adviser

Meeting with a Dignity at Study Adviser will give you an opportunity to discuss issues of concern to you. In turn, the Adviser will:

  • Provide advice and information to individuals or groups on the courses of action available to them if they believe themselves to be the subject of harassment or bullying.
  • Provide advice, information and a friendly supportive environment to individuals whose behaviour has been challenged as harassing or bullying.
  • Identify allegations which may be beyond the remit of the role and refer these cases to other services as appropriate.
  • Maintain confidentiality as far as is reasonably practicable
  • Raise awareness of the Dignity at Work and Study Policy and the support available for staff and students experiencing harassment or bullying.

Contact a Dignity at Study Adviser

The University’s Dignity at Study/Work Advisers are: