Extenuating Circumstances

The University defines 'extenuating circumstances' as: “Exceptional circumstances that are unforeseen, unavoidable and outside the control of the student and which have prevented, or will prevent, them from performing in assessment at the level expected or required of them".

Assessments covered include coursework, in-class tests and exams. If you are unable to submit coursework by the deadline, or sit an in-class test or an exam, because of extenuating circumstances, you can submit a claim under USW's Extenuating Circumstance Regulations. The main purpose of these regulations is to provide equity for students in relation to the assessments they are required to undertake as part of their course.

There are three types of Extenuating Circumstances claims:

  1. Self-certification
  2. Standard application
  3. Disability/long-standing condition

A successful claim would result in you being given an extension or a deferral, allowing you to take an assessment at the next suitable opportunity. This could be in the re-sit period or at a time agreed by the module tutor.

Partner College Students - the way you apply for Extenuating Circumstances is different, see below for details.

IT issues - for IT problems experienced during an assessment there is a different process, please see Assessment Information and Support.

Important Dates

Each year there are deadlines for submitting extenuating circumstances claims for the resit period, for nursing courses and for postgraduate courses.

Those deadlines will be published here when they become available.

Self-certification can be used for a short period where it would be difficult to obtain evidence.

The circumstances must have occurred in the 7 calendar days prior to the assessment deadline/time, and you must submit your claim before the assessment deadline/time.

Evidence is not usually required for this type of claim.

What you can request

  • An extension to a coursework deadline up to a maximum of 5 working days.
  • Non-submission/deferral to the next assessment point, eg, the resit period, without penalty for an on the day assessment.  

How to apply

This type of claim can cover circumstances that may impact on studies for 7 calendar days or more and which can be supported by independent evidence.

You should claim within 5 working days of the original assessment submission deadline/date.

What you can request

  • An extension to a coursework deadline up to a maximum of 15 working days.
  • Deferral to the next assessment point, eg, the resit period, without penalty. 

How to apply

Supporting evidence 

You will not be required to supply evidence at the point of application. However, you may be asked to provide supporting evidence when your claim is being assessed or for sample auditing.

I have sat/submitted the assessment

The University operates a ‘Fit to Sit’ policy, which means that when a student submits or presents themselves for assessments, they are declaring they are ‘fit to sit’. Where a student is taken ill during an assessment, or their judgment is impaired when undertaking an assessment, they can request to ‘withdraw their fit to sit’ declaration.

If you are asked for evidence, this table gives examples of evidence you may use to support your claim. 


What you can request

  • An extension to a deadline up to a maximum of 15 working days, or 
  • Non-submission/deferral to the next assessment point, eg, the resit period, without penalty. 

Students WITH an Individual Support Plan or equivalent

If you are a disabled student (or have a long standing condition) with an Individual Support Plan you are permitted to submit coursework within the late submission period (5 working days), without the usual penalties.   

If you have concerns about assessment deadlines, which are not addressed by the above adjustment, you should discuss your circumstances with a Disability Adviser. If appropriate, “flexibility around deadlines” will be added as a reasonable adjustment to your Individual Support Plan. You will then be able to apply for additional reasonable adjustments to particular assessment deadlines when required via the Extenuating circumstances process. 

How to apply

Students WITHOUT an Individual Support Plan or equivalent

If you are a disabled student (or have a long standing condition) without an Individual Support Plan, you must supply evidence of your disability/condition the first time you apply for Extenuating Circumstances as a result of that disability/condition. 

If your evidence enables the Extenuating Circumstances Panel to confirm that you have a disability/long standing condition, USW's Disability Support Team will be asked to create an Individual Support Plan for you which will have “flexibility around deadlines” included as a reasonable adjustment.

If your ability to submit assessments is impacted again at a later date as a result of your disability/condition you can submit an application for Extenuating Circumstances without needing to provide further evidence.

How to apply

What evidence could I provide to support my claim? 

This table gives examples of acceptable evidence you may use to support your claim. 

I have sat/submitted the assessment

The University operates a ‘Fit to Sit’ policy, which means that when a student submits or presents themselves for assessments, they are declaring they are ‘fit to sit’. Where a student is taken ill during an assessment, or their judgment is impaired when undertaking an assessment, they can request to ‘withdraw their fit to sit’ declaration.


There is no limit to the number of times you can claim Extenuating Circumstances.

If you claim Extenuating Circumstances more than twice in one academic year your situation will be reviewed and further action may be suggested/required, for example engagement with support services. If you misuse the ability to self-certify, you may be subject to action under the Student Conduct Procedure or Fitness to Practise Procedure (see Student Regulations). 

NB:  Making a claim does not guarantee that your claim will be approved. 

While applying for Extenuating Circumstances, please read all the information you are shown carefully and make sure that you supply all the information you are asked for at each step.

If you have any queries regarding Extenuating Circumstances  please Contact the Advice Zone directly. Advice Zone staff can discuss the claim process and provide guidance on eligibility. They cannot give an opinion on the strength of your claim.

If you need additional support with completing your claim the Students’ Union may be able to help.

If you need advice or support with the underlying problems which are causing you to apply for Extenuating Circumstances, the University has a number of Support Services that can help. 

If you don't know where to start, contact the Advice Zone.

If your claim is straightforward you will usually receive an outcome within 5 working days of completing your application.

Complex claims are referred to an Extenuating Circumstances Panel. The panel is a group of people that meets weekly, consisting of academic staff from across USW. You should receive an outcome within 5 working days of the panel’s decision.

If you have requested an extension, you should continue with your work and not wait for the outcome of your claim as any extension granted will be from the original submission date and not the date that you receive the outcome.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your claim you can make a 'Request for Review' of the decision. Requests must be made within 10 working days of notification of the outcome.

Please see section B11 of the Extenuating Circumstances Regulations and Procedure for details on the grounds for appeal.

The Request for Review Form is available from the Extenuating Circumstances Regulations page.

If you have a good enough reason for being unable to meet the earlier extenuating circumstances deadlines (ie, 5 working days after the original submission deadline/exam date, and 2 weeks prior to the assessment board), you can still apply for extenuating circumstances after results have been issued by submitting a 'Post Board Extenuating Circumstances Claim Form'.

'Post-board' means after the assessment board has met and issued results. All post-board claims must be submitted within 10 working days of your results being published.  

How to apply

  1. Use Advice Zone Online (AZO) to request a post-board extenuating circumstances claim form.
  2. Receive the form and guidance notes via AZO.  You will also be given links to any other forms you may need to fill in.
  3. Complete the Post Board Extenuating Circumstances Claim Form and any other required documentation  and upload it/them to AZO. 
  4. Wait for an outcome of your claim via AZO.

Documents you need to submit

  • Post Board Extenuating Circumstances Claim Form
  • Supporting Evidence
  • Email confirmation from academic (if required)
  • Copy of your recent published results

What evidence could I provide to support my claim? 

This table gives examples of acceptable evidence  you may use to support an extenuating circumstances claim. 


Students at Partner Colleges do not use the methods described above to apply for Extenuating Circumstances. Instead, please request an Extenuating Circumstances Form via Advice Zone Online using this link.

You will receive notification of the outcome of your claim through Advice Zone Online.