Student Letters

  • Letters usually cover the current academic year only.
  • New letters become available after your course start date each academic year.
  • It's important that your student record has your correct home and term addresses, as they are used on some student letters. If not, then update your personal details now.

Student Status Letter

Request a Student Status Letter - a Student Status Letter enables you to provide confirmation of your status as an enrolled student at the University.

UNICAF Students – Student Status letters can be requested from [email protected].

Council Tax Letter

Request Council Tax Letter - a Council Tax Letter is also called a Council Tax Exemption Certificate. More information.

Bank Letter

To request a bank letter, go to Advice Zone Online (log in required) and search for "bank letter''.

International students require a bank letter to open a student bank account. The bank letter confirms the course and year you are enrolled on, the length of the course, the start date and the expected end date of the course. The letter also confirms the home and term address held for you by the University.

The Banks and Bank Accounts page explains the benefits of having a UK bank account,  how to choose one, and what other documentation may be required.

(Home students can open a bank account with their Student Status Letter). 

Other Student Letters

Letters covering previous years and other types of letters including Schengen Visa Letters can be requested using Advice Zone Online.